Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Worship Prac...

i wonder what went wrong with my bass.....didnt sound as good as i expected it matter how much i tried and tried to equalise it, it just didnt bass sounded alright at home....maybe its the irregular voltage from the church power point.....maybe the amps rectifier circuit its abit faulty....or most probably i was just too tired and sleepy during prac that my brain didnt have enough processing power to equalise the amp properly.
I started to read a book called "Holiness" by J.C. Ryle. i just finished 3 chapters. Its pretty heavy reading....that is for me, since i dont really read much. But its a good book...makes u think...and also a very striking book. Some parts of the book when read, feels like a sword cutting through the heart....HARDCORE stuff...hmmmm


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