Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Malay ???

As i was searching through wikipedia for an article on Mahathir, i found this article on the Malays. In the Malaysian constitution, there is a definition of what is a "Malay". A Malay is a malay if and only if the person is a Muslim. If the Malay(race) converts out of Islam, the person is no longer considered legally a "Malay" and loses all his special rights. If a non-Malay(race) embraces Islam, that person can be considered a Malay if that person is a fulfills the other aspects of "Malayness" ie speaks Malay fluently and lives like a malay and that person is entitled to that special rights. No wonder alot of Malaysian businessmen convert to Islam....idiots. Sell thier soul to Malays just for that.... \m/


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