Sunday, November 28, 2004

Wasted Day

Well officially my day started at around 2.30 in the has literally been wasted bacause i would have to sleep early today or risk having to fall asleep on stage while playing in church tomorrow.So i approximate my saturday would only last 10 hours...Wow....where did my other 14 hours go...i only sleapt for 6 hours ????...hmm...i guess since my days now are pretty odd, the best way to get an accurate account of how many hours i am awake is to calculate the average over a certain period.
Anyway what did i learn from todays QT...todays keyword is FAITH...well the example given by the QT book was Abraham...which is not suprising, Abraham is very commonly used as an example by many ppl when speaking about FAITH...why...because just imagine how much faith u must have to move out of your comfortable nation to some other place that u dont know just because GOD says so.The Qt book started out by saying ...and i quote(hopefully i wont get sued for plagarismn and for not sighting)..."In the old Testament,personal relationship with God is showed itself by separation" and this is where the example of Abraham comes in and if u studied the old testement u wil c that this is an important command which is emphasized throughout the old testament and which the israelities breaks over and over again and in the end brings them to the fall of their nation. In modern day context, this separation is more of a mental and moral separation from the world and its values... So how do we lead a life of faith...but first leading a life faith is not knowing what is going to happen in the future , where are we going to be led....etc etc (read on the life of abraham to know more), but a life that loves and know the ONE THAT LEADS. Leading a life of faith is not living by intellect and reason which most of us do. I guess this leads to a very important keyword...KNOWING...How would u feel if u are just following a stranger to unknown places?? i personally would feel insecure and would rather not follow.The root of faith is KNOWING who GOD is...knowing GODS character....and having a personal relationship with HIM.Only then can we with all our heart and soul follow HIM. In many churhces these days the motivation to know God has been perverted... "If we follow God he will lead us to success".... In a way its true...success in our spiritual walk, our personal relationship with God, and success in finishing the race God has put us in. Unfortunately many mean it as success in the earthly stablity. In the end the focus is no more on GOD but on their own selfish desire to have a good LIFE. Anyway back to the QT book...The final stage in living a life of faith is the attainment of Godly character. One thing that really ..........(fill in the blanks again) in this QT is "The life of faith is not a life of mouting up with wings, but a life of walking and not fainting". Well many times and i have to say many churhces in Malaysia the call for revival is very strong. Many revival services held day in and day out...many people feel the "touch of God"and get into a spiritual high ( mounting on Wings ). After everything is over...thier wings tire and in the end land back on the ground. So in the end thier spiritual displacement is zero and no spiritual Work is = Force*displacement (In this case assume its only in one dimension..which is vertical) .I would rather "walk slowly" and consistantly with God trusting that God will be with me wherever he leads and knowing that thru HIS strength i will finish this walk. But what does being separated got to do with living a life of faith...This i am not really sure....but according to the QT book ...and i quote "living a life of faith is not a question of sactification; but of something infinitely further on than sanctification, of faith that has been tried and proved and has stood the test.Abraham is not the type of sanctification,but a type of the life of faith, a tried faith built on a real GOD." So what can i get out of all these:-
1) The importance of doing QT
2) We are being moulded by HIM through circumstances and experience
3) Being certain that everything God puts us through is for our own good

On point number 2)...Many times i have seen people when, put through tough circumstances, desert GOD. Who is to blame...the individual...the church...GOD for putting them through these tough times ?? i guess i am not in any position to comment on this...everyones situation is unique. But what i think is the important thing is not the situation we are in but do we respond to the situation whether is in a GOdly manner or in a worldly manner. Being a kid without a mother is not easy...and i really must Thank God just pulling me through all these years eventhough i nvr really thought of it b4 coming to sydney. So how did i respond when my mother passed away...thinking about this i didnt really respond to it in a positive way...and noone in the church was comforting me...most of them were comforting my older brother..:-(...but its alright...Well...lesson learned...we shouldnt expect much from anyone(i realise i have been re-iterating this) the only person u can fully trust is Jesus and not humans and for this i am truely grateful to God for guiding me thru life with hardly any human support (pre sydney days...eventhough i wasnt really that good but at least i wasnt not really that bad either)...Maybe thats y HE brought me to i can meet so many Godly brothers and sisters especially Raj and Tony which has been a great inspiration to me personally. So to those ppl out there...cherish your parents no matter how bad u think they are. So back to our response...i feel how we respond to circumstances is the real test of our faith....but there are many ppl out there who needs guidance or else they would respond in a negative i guess this is where Brothers follow upper comes in...haih....God help me in this..its going to be tough...results might drop...but God first.... took me nearly 3 hours to finish this blog...i hope its time well spent...


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