Friday, December 17, 2004

First day at Radio Station

First day in the radio station was so cool man...The technician brought me to the transmitter ( which is located at the other side of the harbour bridge) and showed me around the heart of the radio station where all the ardware is located. I was really really excited, but he said all these stuff are considered primitive relative to the other big stations. The ironic thing is he is not trained in Electrical engineering. He is trained as a journalist. He went to ABC to work as a journalist. He didnt like journalism so he followed some ABC technicians and became quite a good technician himself. And next year he will be going to Sydney uni doing Electrical engineering 1st year....and i am 3rd year....????? This is proof that uni education is useless without practical work. So eventhough the pay is little....i guess it is worthit...but i have to find a better paying job...hope to go to work at a guitar shop. I will be helping him build a new studio and a producers bench...thats so exciting...I get learn how to build room with good acoustics....learn how to get good sound...etc etc.
And during my free time, i bought a Metallica cool showed how the Black album was made. To those ppl who think that the solos are are random and kirk hamlett just plays what he feel...U r wrong(Thats what i thought anyway). Every guitar solo in the album had to go through the ears of the producer and he will say whther the solo is good enough. So to those ppl who think metal is just noise, think again. Kirk Hamlett was really quite stressed
I also finally cleaned the backyard. When i came back from Brisbane, the backyard was black...he leaves and flowers were decomposing...i guess its because sydneys whether has been quite extreme for the past week. But its not all that bad...i pushed all the decomposing flowers and leaves to the soil hoping that it will give fresh nutrients to the plants ( you might be thinking i am just plain lazy and do not want to clean it up...i guess u are partially right).
And my grandma coming on cool....get to c her ...and also the stuff that she will be bringing for me..hahah...joking.....I miss her...the stuff she bring is secondry....SO HAPPY...

*Testing picture upload*

Yamaha RBX JM2 Posted by Hello
Are you to drooling??? cause i am

Thursday, December 16, 2004

For HIS glory or mine???

Todays QT was on John 3:22-30. In this passage the followers of John was jealous that Jesus was baptizing ppl and many ppl were going to Jesus to be baptised and not many ppl came to John. I guess the most important verse to address is verse is verse 30 where John says "He must become more important, but I must become less important."...Wow...John knew his role in Gods plan and Jesus's role in Gods plan and thats y he made the statement in verse 30.To understand this u should read the whole verses 22-30(focus on 27-29).
I guess being a BS leader we are like John. We are meant to point our members to Jesus and not ourselves. Being a BS leader, the greatest danger is leading the "flock" astray, but i think this will not be possible in OCF sydney. So the greatest danger for a Bs leader would be having the wrong motivation to lead a BS. I guess many BS leaders will be tempted to lead in a way that will glorify themselves and not Jesus. Just look at the charismatic churches where the congregation takes the words of the pastors as if it is Gods infallable Word. Everything the pastor says must is true even when it is clearly not biblical. Likewise as Bs leaders the temptation is always there. We want to lead the group in such a way that all the members will look up at us, and think highly of us,make us look holy and godly,and etc etc. The focus will no more be on Jesus but on our ownself desires. Worst case scenario is when a BS leader teaches something else and doesnt apply it himself. James 2:14 speaks very strongly about this, "What good does it do, my brothers, if someone claims to have faith but does not have any works?"This kind of faith cannot save him, can it?" Another part of James gives a strong warning abt teachers. James 3:1," Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more severely". Afraid?? If u are....Thank GOd.
So before being a BS leader(which i would consider as one of the most important roles in OCF) let us examine ourselves and get our motives right before GOd first. The reason we are doing BS is to help the members grow in thier relationship with "GOD" and not us( although by doing so our relationship with our members will surely be strengthtened....but our focus shouldnt be there). As John said "HE must become more important, but I must become less important." Everything we do and say should point back Jesus. To fully grasp this, we should fully appreciate John 3:27-29. So how should we respond when someone more mature come into the group and we feel threatened. Well i guess if we get out motives right we should thank God for bringing a mature person in the group cause it will greatly help the ppl in the group to mature.But i guess , as humans thats not our natural tendency. So i pray that all of us will continually be humbled by God and allow HIS purposes to done through us and not our own selfish ambitions.....Amen

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Home sweet home

At last back from Brisbane from convention and AGM...well actually came back on monday but i was so sleepy and tired. Thank God had a good rest lat nite. I can wake up anytime i want. In convention, i slept late and wake up early that is around 8, and there was one day i miss breakfast coz i woke up at 8.30. Wahlau...starving man...but then again...i was starving most of the time...they gave us such a small portion and if we want to take second we would have to wait until all the last 20 minutes of dinner time or until all the plates were used ( shows that everyone has got served ). Most of the time i am still hungry even after was constantly on my mind...fortunately i wasnt the only person who felt this way....:-) i dont feel like a glutton. Anyway i am so happy to be back in sydney. 10 days away i think is definitely too long. i was starting to miss sydney and i was deprived of rice for 10 days man....can u believe it...eating ang mor food for 10 days...wahhhhh.....suffering. The dorms they gave the guys were crap man. So small and the layout of the dorm was quite bad. The matress cover was made out of rubber so it was so hot...everytime i go to sleep, i wake up the end got not enough clothes to last the whole 10 days cause i allocated 1 shirt wear 2 days. So i bought some clothes in Brisbane. Thanks Jiamin for your good taste..
Overall i think convention has been good. Managed to forge friendships , build friendships especially with the canberra ppl....they have been a great source of inspiration. The 2 days spent with jessica and jiamin in brisbane has been great...really enjoyed it. And also this convention has really taught me alot abt being humble. much to say abt convention...yet i dunno how to say it...maybe because i am quite tired now....hmmm...better go to sleep....brain starting to lose processing power.....Zzzzzzz