Monday, February 20, 2006


Since i have nothing to do now....

five of my favourite memories as a child:
1) First day in primary school....
2) Falling asleep in school nearly everyday
3) Practicing guitar until 3-4 am every weekend
4) Being able to play a song on the guitar for the first time...should be around 12 yo
5) Coming top in class in year 6....the decline in performance after that coincided with the discovery of the guitar.

five of my worst memories as a child:
1) Get scolded and embarassed in front of everyone at every prefect meeting because i sweat alot..Apparently sweating alot implies playing alot.....\m/
2) Fainting quite often in school because of epilepsy...its not really a bad memory because i dont remember much of it....all i remember is waking up at home which is really good.
3) Getting 3 A's and 1 B for my UPSR. I was really devastated that time. because i wanted to go to some prestigious school. But looking at the ppl that went to those schools now, thank God i didnt go to those schools.
4) Breaking a few guitar strings in a youth rally while playing...
5) Being forced to go dancing for a Christmas event in i hate dancing

five things i hope to achieve in the future (God-willing):
1) Get a good job
2) Buy a few basses...4-5-6 strings.
3) Buy a SWR bass amp
4) Build a studio for my recordings
5) Form a band

five alternate worlds i can imagine myself living in:
1) This world is good....
2) "
3) "
4) "
5) "

five things i have to do in the next month:
1) pack my bag to go to sydney
2) go to sydney
3) Find Hse
4) move Hse
5) Lose weight